How To Make Money On YouTube For beginners


how to make money on YouTube for beginners

Are you wondering how to make money on youtube for beginners? YouTube is among the most popular and oldest streaming services in the world. When someone wants to watch any video, they simply go to the YouTube app or YouTube web version. 

Indeed, you have guessed it right! You can earn money on this platform through Ad revenue. But do you know that there are a few other ways you can use to earn money from this platform? If not, you should definitely spend some time with us. 

Today, we are going to explore the top ways you can use to earn some hefty money from this streaming platform. At the end of this article, you will be able to start earning as a beginner on YouTube.    

How to start your YouTube Channel? 

Whether you want to earn through an ad stream or any other method, you should initially set up a YouTube Channel to access ways of earning. Remember, creating your Google account doesn’t mean you have set up your YouTube channel. However, you can watch videos by signing up from your Google Account, but you must create a separate YouTube Channel to start earning for it. 

The following are the essential steps you need to follow to begin your own YouTube Channel:

  1. Create a Google account

As discussed above, creating your Google account doesn’t mean you have started your YouTube Channel. However, you need a Google account if you don’t have one because Google is a Parent company of YouTube. Creating a Google account is too simple, you only need to follow the following steps:

  • Visit and click on the create account. 

  • Next, you need to provide the details and you are done. 

That’s it! Your new Google or Gmail account has been created.

  1. Create your channel

Once creating your Google Account, you should move forward to create a YouTube channel. For this, you need to follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Sign in to your YouTube app or YouTube computer with the Google account that we have created in the previous section. 

  • Next, you should click on your Profile Picture and then click on Settings. 

  •  Later, you must click on the Add or Manage channel.

  • Here, you will be asked to create a channel. 

  • Check and enter the essential details and confirm to create your YouTube Account. 

That’s it! Your channel is also created on YouTube. 

  1. Upload your video

Lastly, you have to upload your first content or video to become an official YouTuber. You should try to upload high-quality and short to medium-sized content. Remember, you should ensure that you make engaging content because the more engaging content you make, the more chance you have to earn money. You may utilize ChatGPT to take tips and even make video scripts. 

Read Also: How to earn money with ChatGPT 2024

Once you have created the video, you should log in to the YouTube Studio to upload it. You must follow the steps we mentioned below to upload it through this platform:

  • Here, you should click on the Play button called Content situated at the left side of your screen, and click the blue “Upload” button. 

  • Next, you should add details about the great piece of your content. This means you must add a title and description of your video that tells viewers what they can expect. You should not forget to include the targeted keywords within your title and keyword description. 

  • You should also include a thumbnail that stands out as your video content in search results and on your channel page. 

  • After adding your video title, description, and thumbnail, you should click on the “Next” button. It will take you to the menu that will invite you to add cards (links to other videos). Remember, you can always return and adjust these later. 

  • Next, you should tap on the “Next” button to check if your video has copyright issues. 

  • If your video is free from copyright issues, you should visit the last screen by tapping on “Next.” Here, you should select whether you want to keep your video private or public. Remember, you can always edit this option later in the future. 

  • Lastly, you should tap “Save” to successfully upload your video. 


That’s it! You have become a YouTuber from now. It means you have opened your door to start your earning journey with YouTube. So, let us begin exploring “how to make money on YouTube for beginners.”

Methods to earn money on YouTube

how to make money on YouTube for beginners

There are many people who want to earn money by starting their YouTube Channel. However, there are countless ways you can use to make money online by YouTube. We have listed the top methods to earn money through YouTube below:

  1. YouTube Partner Program

YouTube Partner Program is the first method you should use to earn money on this platform. As we mentioned above, the mainstream of earning on this platform is ad revenue. This program lets you showcase the ads on your video and earn through these ads. 

Besides ads, there are other features, like channel membership, super chat, super stickers, and more let you earn more money on this platform. However, you must meet the youtube partner program policies to join this program. Apart from this, you must meet the following requirements to join this program:

  • 1,000 subscribers along with a minimum of 4,000 valid public watch hours in the previous 12 months

  • Or 1,000 subscribers with a minimum of ten million valid public Shorts views in the previous 90 days.

Once you meet any of the above eligibility, you can join the YouTube partner program without any restriction. The following are the steps to join the YouTube Partner Program:

  1. You should sign in to your Google or YouTube account you wish to monetize

  2. Click on the profile photo on the right side of the window screen

  3. Now, you should scroll down and choose the “Studio.”

  4. After visiting the YouTube Studio, you should see on the left-hand and click on the Earn icon. 

  5. Now, click on the apply button to join this program.

  6. Next, you will get a YPP (YouTube Partner Program) Terms and Conditions page. Here, you should read the complete page and click on agree to agree to all terms and conditions. 

  7. Lastly, you should wait for a month until YouTube reviews your application. Remember, it could take up to one month. 

Suppose your channel is illegible and does not have enough views and subscribers. In that case, you should click on the “Get Notified” button to get a notification from YouTube once your channel becomes eligible. 

2. Sell products and merchandises

Selling your merchandise or items is another intelligent method to earn on YouTube. You can consider selling your T-shirt, Coffee Mug, Tote bags, and more. 

As per an expert, “Merchandise increases your online brand exposure by putting your online brand into the offline world. It also makes a relationship stronger between you and your fans as they purchase the stuff you are selling.”

Here, you should remember one thing you can earn good revenue by selling your merchandise on your channel only if you have built a trusted audience. Once you have built a loyal fan, you should create a unique and attractive design for your supporters. 

There are many tools like Printify, Teespring, and Bonfire you can use to design and ship your merchandise products even without storing them in an inventory. Remember, you can hire freelancers from Fiverr or Upwork to develop your merchandise. In addition, you can use softwares like Canva to design them yourself. 

When someone purchases your merchandise, you should not forget to thank you because it will remind them how great you and your products are. 

Also read: How to start freelancing with no experience 

3. Create sponsored content

Creating sponsored content for a company is another excellent way for those people who are looking for answers to how to earn money from youtube shorts. The significant perk of this method is that you don’t have to share a single penny you earn through this to YouTube. 

Through sponsored content, you must sponsor a company or brand within your video. You must include this sponsor content at the start or end of the video. Remember, viewers cannot skip your sponsor ads because they are a part of your video. 

Sometimes, viewers are crucial to sponsored videos or content when sponsorship is irrelevant to the channel or its content. The best-sponsored video is the video that doesn’t mismatch the channel niche or distract the viewer's concentration. 

Crowdtap and Upfluencer are a few examples of platforms where you can add your channel and get discovered by small and big brands. You should list your channel on as many platforms as you can to ensure maximum visibility. 


4. Crowdfund

Whether you are looking to develop ongoing revenue from a small monthly donation pool, channel-related projects, and more, crowdfunding is another excellent way to earn money on YouTube. You can also crowdfund to purchase equipment or hire an actor for your upcoming video. 

You can use platforms, like Patreon, Kickstarter, and Indiegogo, to get support from supporters in return for exclusive content or perks. Remember to add the link into your crowdfunding campaign in the video description of your channel. It means you should ensure your crowdfunding link is available to your channel’s audience. 

 5. Publish Product-focused content or video

Product-focused or branded videos are mainly developed with the intent to promote a product from another company. You can earn a hefty amount of cash by creating and publishing this kind of content. The following are the top categories of this content:

  • A company compensates you in return for your content or review. 

  • You are making a video to highlight a product and earn an affiliate commission.

  • The company has given instructions and talking points to make a video

Remember, this type of content is uncommon, as viewers generally feel a bit direct regarding promotion. However, they are relevant to industries, like health, fitness, and beauty. 

6. Use affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is among the ideal ways in order to make some extra money online. However, you are also allowed to use it to earn through YouTube. Don’t you know anything about affiliate marketing? No worry! You can earn some commission through advertising products or services in affiliate marketing. However, you need to join an affiliate program to earn from this way.

Also read: 10+ Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners Without A Website

Earning this way is a little simple as you must discuss your affiliate product in your video and then provide an affiliate link to the product in the video description to let your viewer check them out. Every time a viewer clicks on your link and makes a purchase of that product, you will earn a commission. 

Remember, YouTube has an explicit policy for external links. Therefore, you should ensure to review the guidelines before including links to the video description. 

7. License your content

When any video goes viral, every media and news outlet wants to use it to engage their audience. Do you know the best part? Established media companies know that they need to pay for any content that they use.  

We hope now you have understood what we are talking about. Indeed, you have guessed it right! Licensing your content to protect from these companies is another great way to earn. It lets these companies use your content in return for a fee.

For this, you should include your contact details in the channel description. In addition, you have to include your content or video on platforms, like Juckin Licensing, where your video would be easier to locate for the right people and purchase the license.

8. Fan Funding 

Like crowdfunding, Fan Funding is another excellent way to earn money through YouTube. As a YouTuber, you are contributing your voice to the internet without forcing them to pay. Still, many loyal fans are there who understand your hard work and are ready to pay for your hard work. 

To encourage your fans to fund, you should follow the following practices:

  • You should develop transparency around how you will use the money. It will motivate your fanbase to invest and they will get the value of your content. 

  • You should offer donors an enticing reward for better pledges. It will let them feel they are getting something unique in return for their investment and motivate other fans to become a donor.

You can use YouTube features like Super Chat, Super Sticker, and more for easy fan funding. In addition, you can use crowdfunding platforms like Petroen, Buy Me A Tea, and more for fan funding.  

9. Put promotional links in your video description

Integrating promo links into the video description is another lucrative way to earn on YouTube. Remember, video description is a valuable asset that lets you write anything related to the video under 5000 characters. 

You are allowed to funnel your video’s viewers to the relevant links. You can link the following elements in the video element:

  • Your website

  • Your ecommerce store

  • A lead magnet, like downloadable content

If nothing, you may add a link to your website or site to let your Channel’s traffic become your site traffic.

10. Enable Channel  Membership

Enabling your channel membership is the last way how to make money on youtube for beginners. As mentioned above, it is among the top perks of the YouTube Partner Program. 

By purchasing your channel membership, your fan can get the badges, perks, live chat, and more. It is also a manner for your loyal viewers or fans in order to support you. However, you must enable or turn on this feature by following the steps we mentioned below:

  • You should initially sign in with your channel account to the YouTube Studio app or web. 

  • After signing in, you should click on the “Earn” button located in the left corner of your screen. 

  • Now, you should click on the “Membership” button. Remember, it will only open if you are eligible

  • Now, you must click on the “Get Started” button and follow the tips or instructions that you see on the screen. 

  • If it’s your first time you visit in the membership tab, you should follow the instructions that you see on your screen while following these steps to sign the Commerce Product Module (CPM).

That’s it! You have enabled the membership option on your YouTube channel. 


YouTube is among the top platforms on the internet where you can earn online. However, several people think that the ad revenue or YouTube Partner Program is the only option to earn money on this platform. In reality, there are several ways to make money on this streaming platform. We have tried to clarify your confusion about how to make money on YouTube for beginners in this guide. We hope this guide will help you to start your earning on YouTube. If you have any questions or simply want to share your thoughts, you can easily contact us.

Disclaimer: Before following any tip or method mentioned in this article, you must read our disclaimer. 

FAQ - how to make money on YouTube for beginners

  1. How many views do you require to get paid on YouTube?

To earn money directly from YouTube, you must have 1000 subscribers and a minimum of 4000 watch hours in the previous year or ten million valid Short views in the past 90 days.

  1. How much does YouTube pay for beginners?

You can earn a minimum of $0.3 or INR 22.50 per 1000 views in vlogging. However, the pay depends on the niche of your channel. 

  1. Do you want 1000 views on YouTube to get paid?

Yes, you need 1000 views to start earning on YouTube as you can begin earning on YouTube after 1000 views.

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