How To Start An Online Tutoring Business And Earn $40 Hourly

Indeed, you can earn up to $40 per hour by starting your online tutoring business. Are you wondering how to start an online tutoring business? If so, you should read this guide to learn the path to begin it. 

How To Start An Online Tutoring Business

With the rise of internet users in the world, the demand for an online tutor is also increasing for students who want to learn in the comfort of their homes. According to the stats, online tutoring is as effective as in-person tutoring to improve learning.

Improving learning is a perk for students, but online tutoring can also be the perfect method for professional educators or teachers wanting to earn money in the comfort of their homes. As an online tutor, you may decide your working hours, rates, and number of students you want to teach. Hence, beginning an online tutoring business may be a profitable decision you can take to earn passive income. 

In this guide, we are going to explore the steps and other essential things you need to know to begin your online tutoring business. So, without making more ado, let us get started.

 Online Tutoring - Overview

We are sure most of you are well-known for the term “online tutoring,” but still some of you might be confused about the same term. Remember, our main motive for this guide is to clear all your doubts about how to start online tutoring in this article. Therefore, we decided to discuss the basics of online tutoring before proceeding to the steps for starting your tutoring business. 

Online tutoring is a teaching process where students interact with teachers from geographically separated areas with the help of a networked, online, and virtual environment. 

However, online tutoring can only happen if you have registered on any online platform or marketplace and conducted a variety of subject classes for registered learners. In addition, you can also develop your own platform or websites in order to perform your online tutoring business. 

Benefits of starting your online tutoring business

How To Start An Online Tutoring Business

You can acquire access to uncountable benefits by beginning your online tutoring business. However, it's hard for us to cover all the advantages of starting this venture here, but we have listed the top benefits of online tutoring below: 

  1. Freedom 

Online tutoring allows you to access the freedom in order to reach a larger audience and the power to decide the hours of work. With the help of this flexibility, you will have the flexibility to determine your priorities and more energy to develop a meaningful impact on your students. 

  1. Global access 

Unlike traditional tutoring methods that are restricted by geographical location, online tutoring can remove this restriction and help you reach a wide range of students from around the globe. 

As an owner of an online tutoring business, you can reach across the world with the help of an internet connection. Hence, it provides your online tutoring business with heightened exposure to a global audience. Apart from attracting global clients, you can also hire online tutors from around the world. 


  1. Minimal cost

Online tutoring is also an excellent business for those who don’t have enough funds. However, you only need a robust business plan and solid marketing to take your venture to a new height. Still, you need to spend enough time to develop these documents, but it will not be costly. 

  1. Get valuable data

When providing any kind of online service, you definitely need to know your audience and their preference. When a student or learner logs into your tutoring platform, you will get valuable data, including age details, contact details, and even location. 

You can also measure other aspects, like the experience and impact of your tutoring program, by gathering data from people through questionnaires. Remember, you can use this data to send relevant notifications to learners. You can send offers, like discounts, and more to build a strong relationship with your loyal customers. 

  1. High demand 

As we discussed above, the demand for online tutoring businesses is high, like other online jobs. The primary reason behind this popularity is the pandemic of COVID-19 because people have shifted to online learning after the rise of this pandemic. 

Also Read: Explore flexible job options for students

Even pandemic has gone now, students and their parents are still looking for online tutors to get better grades in class. In addition, there has also been a high surge in the adoption of this learning method because of its cost-effectiveness and convenience. 

Steps to start your online tutoring business 

How To Start An Online Tutoring Business

You have to go through some steps if you are wondering how do you start a tutoring business on the Internet. Following these steps are crucial to avoid any chance of business failure. Therefore, we have listed the essential steps that you should follow to begin your online tutoring business below:

  1. Choose a path

Initially, you should select a reliable path where you will give your tutoring services online. However, you have the option to choose from different online platforms, like an independent tutor or tutor network. You can also opt to provide online tutoring as a freelancer. 

Also read:  Step-by-Step Guide to begin your freelance career. 

  1. Understand your subject-specific knowledge

Once deciding your path to begin your online tutoring, you should discover the subject or topics in which you have expertise. You should select topics that you will be comfortable teaching. If you hold a certification or degree in a subject, it will be advantageous for your career.

Once deciding the subject you want to teach, you should conduct research to ensure the subject is in demand. Besides this, you must deliver concepts and knowledge in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. 

  1. Develop a tutoring business plan

Once you have understand your subject-specific knowledge, you are required to develop your business plan. Remember, successful businesses start with a solid business plan. Therefore, you should importantly create your business plan. 

A business plan includes your vision to begin your business and how you want to run your online organization. In addition, you should include the following aspects:

  • Type of business model you will adopt

  • Your earning or monetization strategies

  • Number of tutors you will hire 

Apart from these, you should also include details about how your tutoring business will be profitable. In short, you should develop a detailed business plan for your online tutoring business before proceeding to the next step. 

  1. Understand your target audience

After creating your business plan, you must attempt to understand your target audience. It means you must hold a complete grasp of whom you are targeting. Indeed, you are trying to target students, but you need to find out the exact types of students you want to target. 

To find and understand your potential audience, you have to conduct deep research and analyze who they are. In addition, you have to understand the problem they are facing and how your tutoring services will help them. 

A simple market research will help you identify the needs of your prospective clients and the way you can meet those needs. This step will help you reach your potential student too quickly. 

  1. Set up a website and social media account

As we discussed above, understanding your target audience is among the best ways in order to reach your target customers. However, you should also consider starting your social media account along with setting up a website. Indeed, you have read it right! You also need to set up a professional website, even if you are starting your career in the tutoring network.

In the ever-growing world, competition in any industry is significantly increasing with enhanced speed. Having a website and social media accounts or pages are essential marketing tools to crush this competition, especially when you have an online business. You can leverage these tools to let more students learn more about your business. 

A well-established and authorized website adds credibility to your tutoring business. It can additionally build hype for your business in the online world. Do you know the best thing? There are many tools, like WordPress or Blogger,  from which you can use to develop your tutoring website in a couple of hours. Like building a professional website, creating social media accounts or pages can also be an excellent tactic you can use to market. 

For this, you should immediately set up your business account on platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Remember, you should establish your presence on platforms where your potential students are available. While creating your business account on these platforms, you should ensure you include all essential details, including your website link or subject details. 

You must also set up a YouTube channel to market your online tutoring. Do you know the best thing? You can also make a passive income by creating a YouTube channel. 

Also read: Take a look at our guide to steps to earn on YouTube

  1. Create your curriculum

Once you have set up a website and social media pages, you should move forward to create an e-learning curriculum. Remember, curriculum is a comprehensive term that includes all aspects of a learning program. 

In this, you should add details, like learning objectives, courses, lessons, and activities that make the program. Apart from these, you should add the needs and goals of your program's learners as well as the standards they must meet in the curriculum. 

Are you wondering what the need for developing a curriculum? In that case, you should remember one thing here it will help your learner to master a subject instantly. Moreover, it will eliminate the need to feel challenged or effort to learn it.

 In addition, you will provide your students with the ability to explore new skills. In short, you will give your learner a powerful tool in the form of an e-learning curriculum. Therefore, you should develop the same if you are thinking about how to start an online tutoring business. 

  1. Decide your rates and payment mode

After preparing an easy-to-understand curriculum, you should finally move forward to the step of deciding your rates and payment modes. As you are your own boss, you get an opportunity to set your rates as per your wish. 

While deciding your charges for your tutoring service, you should consider numerous factors, like the subject you choose to teach, your education level, and more. For a new client, you should consider giving a free first class or free trial to let him or her understand the quality of your service. 

You should also be clear about the payment protocol from the beginning to avoid any chaos in the future. It would be good to build a healthy relationship with your student’s parents. In addition, you should also consider not being overwhelmed before giving them a discount or perk. By adopting the right trick or strategy, you can earn up to $40 hourly. 

  1. Develop cancellation policies 

No matter how your course or services are good. Still, there are a few cases where your clients want to cancel their enrollment or payment. We know you might feel sad after learning this. 

This can also be more challenging if you don’t develop your cancellation policy. Therefore, you should also create a cancellation policy at the end of the process where you consider how to start an online tutoring business. 

Your business should have policies allowing students to withdraw for free up to 12 hours before the lesson starts. However, students may be charged 50% of the tutor's rate if they cancel a class within 12 hours of the start time. 

When a customer or student cancels within 12 hours before the first class starts through their account, you should keep a way where you will be informed and hold the power to either waive or charge the commission fees according to the norm. 

In short, you should develop a cancellation policy and tell each of your new customers about this policy. It will help you protect your earnings and run your online venture without meeting any difficulty. 


You can definitely earn up to $40 every hour just by starting your online tutoring business. That is why, several people are looking for answers to the questions about how to start an online tutoring business. Therefore, we have created this guide to let you understand the right path to begin this online venture. If you have any kind of query, you should feel free to contact us. If you want to explore other ways to make money through online sources, you should read our other blogs.  

Disclaimer: You should read our disclaimer before following any step or trick mentioned in this guide. 

FAQ - How To Start An Online Tutoring Business

  1. Is online tutoring a good business?

According to the demand, beginning your online tutoring business will prove to be profitable in the long run. 

  1. Are online tutoring in demand?

Yes, online tutoring is in demand for online tutors who can teach programming and computer science skills, as technology continues to play a pivotal role in everyone’s lives. 

  1. What tutoring pays the most?

Maths, writing, MCAT, and other tutors pay the most.  

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